Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Holy crapola

My team has a European counterpart.  One of the guys from that European team just stopped by to introduce himself.  Turns out he’s Scottish. 

He wanted to say hi, because he fully expects to accidentally send me something personal at some point in the future.  Why?  Oh, that’s because his email address is taken from the name of a soup (apparently he really likes it).  The name of the soup?  Cullen Skink.  No lie.

And he told me about the town of Cullen, in Moray, Scotland.  Check out the picture at the bottom.  My town totally rocks!  I really want to go, after seeing that picture.


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm...thought you didnt like your name.....

Cullen Waters said...

I think my name is a big fat pain in the ass. Nevertheless, it is my name, and the town has the same name, and is a beautiful place.

JackWaters said...

You have quite a bit of Scottish ancestry, as well as English and a dab of Irish.

LLL said...
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Anonymous said...

Not so fast Cullen - that European counterpart is my brother and he should have warned you against contemplating a trip to Cullen, unless you are a big fan of cold wee harbour towns on the north east coast of Scotland!I've been there -it is picturesque in July, but I might not hurry back.
However, congratulations on the Scottish name!!